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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Tree Skirt

Finished Product!

Christmas Tree Skirt

We ahve really been creative we think! We made this Thanksgiving night,,,,couln't wait to get started.
See the items needed for theis great mesh Christmas Tree Skit.
Small Hullah Hoop, mesh any colors, pipe cleaners and any extra emabellishments you want to add. You have to remember to put the skirt around the stand before decorating the tree! Took us about 20 minutes to make. Hardest thing was finding the small hullah hoop!

First Birthday Knilfe

WOW! it has been a while since we posted anything....reason is booming. We have added another seamstress to our line of Jubilee Keepsakes family.
Just shipped out orders for baby's Christmas gifts. Our keepsake knife makes a wonderful gift for baby's first christmas. Also Spoiled Rotten will be getting thoir order on Friday. It was larger than normal, but we got it out so they could have it for the holiday season.
IN between processing orders, we took time to do a little creative decorating. Take a look!